Goodbye, Blog Hiatus. Goodbye, Giant Nest.
Over the past few weeks I've been touring the country in a giant bird nest on wheels. During the daylight hours, I hitched rides by attaching my giant nest to the backside of cars; I'd stop at convenience stores to buy heat-lamp frankfurters and search for the Prophet Warren Jeffs. By night, I'd park my nest and read magazines by candlelight. Inevitably, the giant nest caught fire. To make matters worse, I never found the prophet - someone else got to him first - but I'm all caught up with my Smithsonian back issues. I say, did you know there are two Chinas, one rich and one poor? It's true, but not very interesting. I find myself bored with China. All that land and no Six Flags water parks. Wasteful.

ive been to asiia. borign. one big natoinel geagrapic article: ulltramodarn yadayada coexists with traditoinel blahblahblah. 10 pages of shrines next to bauhaus boxas an teh exiting nightllife of the busling capital fill-in-teh-blank. all gorgeasly lit howevar.
annyway. i dont thikn teh scarf deeal is a isue unless its a hispano-suiza birdnest. then igain its a heckova way to go! waht else is duncan remebard for? diddlysquat thahtts what.
Hah - take that, Isadora Duncan! In your FACE!
Ms Duncan is much overrated, in my opinion. Perhaps she should've taken a hiatus from her dangerous affectations...
Dear Miss Wilberforce-Packard,
Are you a chicken in real life? Or maybe an ostrich? Because you look a little bit like one. Or maybe like bald eagle chick, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood.
And how did you attach the wheels to the giant nest? I would think they would keep coming off when driven at highway speeds.
My truck! You found my old pickup! Where was it?
Beanie Weenie is much better than Oscar Meyer, is what I say.
Evening, Esther.
I'm sure you'll be simply thrilled to hear that I've tagged you again. I only do it to annoy you, you know.
If'n yew want to find Warn Jeffs, I got some ad-vice: Foller the wives.
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